Serenades of Love was recorded within the Ne-Ah-Ga-Ra and Ha-Ne-Ah-Yah Energy Grid. The sound of the water was recorded right after a special Teraphim Activation Ceremony at Ne-Ah-Ga-Ra, (Niagara Falls), while the songs were recorded at Ha-Ne-Ah-Yah after performing special ceremonies.
Love’s electrons and Light’s protons dance together throughout our entire universe. When Light leads the dance, the energies are electro-magnetic but if Love leads the dance, the energies become mystical and magnetic-electro.
The singers vocal cords emit the same Unconditional Love Energies that a thousand years ago enabled one to levitate blocks of stone into place as well as heal people’s physical bodies and Emotional Bodies.
This recording provides one with the perfect lullaby with which to fall asleep. These songs of Unconditional Love also enhance one’s dreamtime.
We do What we Say, We Walk our Talk
* $5 from each Download sold is donated to an African charity that feeds and educates a thousand destitute children living in corrugated tin shacks in slum areas that have no running water.