“An Eternal Dance of Love has begun on planet earth. The first steps of this Dance began 10,000 years ago with two unique individuals. This Dance will last for an eternity and consciously assisting these two dancers are many other individuals”.
Learn how a massive war upon planet earth resulted, 10,000 years ago, in a volunteer group of heavenly beings, descending down to the level of 3rd dimensional human physical bodies in order to offer humanity an opportunity to complete a Physical Body Ascension to a planet where there is no death or suffering.
Listen to the step by step process of how 2 heavenly beings met and how a “female 10th dimensional Ascended Individualized Conscious Awareness agreed to dance the Eternal Dance of Love with a male 11th dimensional Ascended Individualized Conscious Awareness”.
Hear the wonders and precise details of how together they co-created a new planet in a distant galaxy using the “Barbelo’s” 13th dimensional level energies of God’s Unceasing Light and Unconditional Love. Hear how together they co-created a “Tunnel of Love, (science’s “wormhole in space”) on the far side of our moon that enables Enlightened Ones who attend our Activator Class to transcend time and space using a unique ancient and modern bilocation technique, to visit the new planet.
If you are a caring sensitive individual who feels there is more to life than video games and movies, this is a recording that you will listen to many times. The Eternal Dance of Love recording is $9 for an immediate download or $15 for a snail mailed CD.
We do What we Say, We Walk our Talk
* $5 from each Download sold is donated to an African charity that feeds and educates a thousand destitute children living in corrugated tin shacks in slum areas that have no running water.