An Ancient Lineage’s Wisdom on this Legendary State of Consciousness
Our lineage placed a vast amount of wisdom in our Enlightenment minibook to fully explain how Enlightenment is humanity’s birthright and normal state of Consciousness. Learn the truth about Buddha’s Enlightenment and our ancient lineage’s facts on how humans differ from all other life forms in temporary physical bodies.
Read how you can easily attain Enlightenment, how Enlightened Ones built Egypt’s Gaza Pyramids, ancient wisdom about using your “3rd Eye”, secrets about the halos of Enlightened Ones, how “dark matter” is our universe’s Consciousness and how atoms, gravity, electro-magnetic waves and everything in our universe. Is only different forms of magnetic Love Energies and electric Light Energies.
Learn how your nightly REM Sleep is time in Enlightenment, that humans have a permanent Energy Body, why Christians and Muslims burned vast amounts of books, how dances of stardust creates planets, that when full of negative ions you attain permanent Enlightenment, scientific proof of your 3rd Eye and much more.
32 pages (5½” x 8½”/14 cm x 20 cm) of wisdom for $6.