In this one recording there is “The Theory of Everything” for scientific oriented individuals, “the Truth about God” for religious oriented people, and “Creation” for open minded secular people. Learn how “The Theory of Everything” was once taught 2,700 years ago in ancient Egypt’s Horus Mystery Schools to Greek philosophers and thinkers, like Plato and Pythagoras.
This recording explains precisely who God is and exactly how a universe is created, from the first galaxy down to the first life forms. Learn the secrets of how planets are created and why once a planet’s moon comes into existence, individual free will decisions will create life forms upon a planet.
Hear precisely why humans were given their Emotional Bodies, Souls and Minds that differentiates them from all other animals and plants upon planet earth.
We do What we Say, We Walk our Talk
* $5 from each Download sold is donated to an African charity that feeds and educates a thousand destitute children living in corrugated tin shacks in slum areas that have no running water.